Society Awards Recipients

FNPS is proud to honor the many volunteers who make the society function.

  • Mentor Awards -- These awards are given for outstanding lifetime contributions that forward the mission of the Society.
  • Green Palmetto Awards - These awards are given to members who make major contributions to the Society through Service, Education, or Conservation. Those awarded are nominated by chapters or members, and the Board of Directors makes the final choice. FNPS Board members are not eligible.
  • Silver Palmetto Awards - The awards are given to members, usually Board members, chosen by the FNPS President. They typically go to those who make major contribution to the functioning of the Society.
  • Chapter Green Palmetto Awards - The awards are given to chapters with outstanding efforts during the preceding year(s).
  • Emerging Leaders Recognition - The awards are given to members under 30 years old who are taking on active leadership roles.
  • Other Awards - Occasionally, the Society gives recognition to non-members who make major contributions to Florida botany.

Mentor Awards

Susan Carr, PhD (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 2023)
 Dr. Susan Carr is a respected and dedicated botanist who has made significant contributions to the field of native plant conservation in Florida. She has over 20 years of experience working with native plants, and her expertise is widely sought after by other scientists, land managers, and the general public. Dr. Carr is a passionate advocate for native plants, and she has been instrumental in the development of several successful conservation programs. She is also a gifted educator, and she has shared her knowledge of native plants with countless students and adults through her teaching, writing, and public presentations.
Susan Carr, PhD
Chris Matson (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Chris routinely works with FNPS members across the park and on rescues, teaching and supporting them, and inspiring them to their own rescue, restoration, and propagation work across Central Florida, which is a better place thanks to his mentorship of so many.
Chris Matson
Jacquelyn ‘Jackie’ Sward (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Jackie Sward has been a member of the Florida Native Plant Society since and a member of the Tarflower Chapter since 1998. Ms. Sward was elected Treasurer of the Chapter from 2006 to 2007. Even though she only served a short time as Treasurer, Ms. Sward has trained every Tarflower treasurer to the present day. Her extensive knowledge of the Federal and Florida tax laws, Charitable organizations, and banking requirements has served the chapter well. Ms. Sward also took on Publicity Chair functions ensuring all monthly meetings and events were well publicized in local media as well coordinating food provided at each monthly meeting since 2008.
Jacquelyn ‘Jackie’ Sward
Eric Menges, PhD (South Ridge Chapter, 2021)
In his time at Archbold, Eric’s work has increased greatly our understanding of the ecology of Florida scrub vegetation, the population biology and demography of numerous rare and endemic scrub plants, fire ecology, conservation biology, and scrub restoration. Eric has mentored student interns, graduate students, post-doctoral students, and research associates in producing a body of work reflected in more than 150 publications. Many of his students and associates have gone on to successful careers in universities, colleges, and agencies.
Eric Menges, PhD
Craig Huegel (Pinellas Chapter, 2020)
Craig’s long history as an advocate, educator, scientist and author working to advance the conservation and appreciation of native plants has distinguished him as a mentor to the FNPS membership. In 1987, he co-founded the Cooperative Urban Wildlife Program while serving as a member of the faculty at the University of Florida. Craig also teaches courses in plant science at St. Petersburg College, manages a native nursery, consults, and is a popular speaker.
Craig Huegel
Roger Hammer, PhD (Dade Chapter, 2019)

For his wonderful books, and mentoring of FNPS members.  He is the only Florida botanist in the Society that we know of to have been granted an honorary PhD.

Roger Hammer, PhD
Shirley Denton, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2018)

Awarded for her service and dedication to FNPS, her infinite patience and generosity in sharing her expertise, time, and talents with the Society and our members.

Shirley Denton, PhD
Sonya Guidry (Pawpaw Chapter, 2017)

Few people have more selflessly devoted themselves to the Florida Native Plant Society than Sonya Guidry, who contributes thousands of hours of volunteer work on the society’s behalf every year. A long-standing member of the Pawpaw Chapter, she served as one of its first presidents, from 1994-1995. More than twenty years later, her hand still is frequently the first to go up when a volunteer is needed and she is just as frequently the last person to go home.

Sonya Guidry
Carmel VanHoek (Suncoast Chapter, 2015)

Camel is always willing and eager to impart her knowledge to others on field trips and at membership meetings.  Her energy and enthusiasm is inspiring to beginning botanists and more advanced ones alike.  She has mentored many people including most recently, Bunny Worth and Janet Bowers.  

Carmel VanHoek
Catherine Bowman (Tarflower Chapter, 2014)

Awarded for mentorship of an intern.  Beyond this, she has a long history of service to her chapter and to the Society including  including the mentoring of many of her chapter members, tirelessly serving in the leadership of her chapter including a long stint as Tarflower President, implementing an award winning landscape project of her urban home, and many other things.

Catherine Bowman
Dan Miller (Magnolia Chapter, 2014)

Awarded for over 30 years of service including tireless promotion of native plants and native plant conservation and service to his chapter that includes outreach and education.

Dan Miller
Nancy Bissett (Heartland Chapter, 2013)

Awarded for over 30 years of promoting the use of native plants in landscaping supporting land protection and acquisition, pioneering and supporting the restoration of native landscapes after mining, developing innovative techniques to facilitate restoration,  being a strong and capabile botanist, and sharing her knowledge with her fellow FNPS members.

Nancy Bissett
Anne Cox, PhD (Conradina Chapter, 2010)

Awarded for her longterm leadership in FNPS including establishment of the Land Management Partners Committee, coordination with land management agencies and FNAI, and mentoring of FNPS leaders at all levels.

Anne Cox, PhD
Mike Kenton (Serenoa Chapter, 2007)

Mike Kenton served the society and the Association of Florida Native Nurseries for many years, inspiring the public to use natives in landscaping, inspiring landscapers to use natives, being a nurseryman, and supporting FNPS and its members.

Note:  Mike is shown with Karen Frahley a friend and fellow nursery owner.  The photo was taken shortly before his death.

Mike Kenton
Richard Wunderlin, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2005)

For his many years of service to FNPS, his wonderful taxonomic books for Florida, for the ISB website, and for mentoring innumerable FNPS members and students.

Richard Wunderlin, PhD
Taylor Alexander, PhD (Dade Chapter, 2002)

Taylor Alexander was an out-standing botanist and plant ecologist, and an early explorer in Everglades science. He contributed to our understanding of the Everglades centered around the effects of various environmental factors, notably fire and hydrology on plant community succession. 

Taylor Alexander, PhD
Henry Whittier (Tarflower Chapter, 2002)
Henry Whittier
Don Gann (Dade Chapter, 2000)
Don Gann
Joyce Gann (Dade Chapter, 2000)
Joyce Gann
Bill Partington (Tarflower Chapter, 2000)

One of the founders of FNPS, its first president, and first executive director.  He was a tireless supporter of a native plant society that would forward the conservation of native plants in Florida and educate the public about those plants.

Bill Partington
Dick Deuerling (Tarflower Chapter, 1998)
 For sharing his knowledge for FNPS resources for many years.
Dick Deuerling
Marjorie Carr (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 1997)
Awarded shortly after her death.  Marjorie Harris Carr was known for her conservation work in Florida. She co-founded the Alachua Audubon Society in 1960 and co-founded Florida Defenders of the Environment in 1969. She fought to preserve the Ocklawaha River  and helped halt construction of the Cross Florida Barge Canal, which is  named in her honor .
Marjorie Carr
Margaret Hames (1996)

Former Legislative/Conservation Committee Chairperson for FNPS, and foremost conservationist in FL, voted Person of the Year by Florida Environments magazine for her environmental activism.

Margaret Hames

Green Palmetto Awards

Julie Becker (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
Julie Becker
Laura Bennett-Kimble (2023)
Laura Bennett-Kimble
Sandy Boylston (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Sandy Boylston
Patricia Burgos (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2023)
Patricia Burgos
Susan Carpenter (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Susan Carpenter
Mark Elliott (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 2023)
Mark Elliott
Ben Gugliotti (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
Ben Gugliotti
Carol Hebert (Conradina Chapter, 2023)
Carol Hebert
Meg Macaluso (Passionflower Chapter, 2023)
Meg Macaluso
David Martin (Eugenia Chapter, 2023)
David Martin
Rosi Mulholland (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
Rosi Mulholland
Brian Silverman (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
Brian Silverman
Melanie Simon (Passionflower Chapter, 2023)
Melanie Simon
Jonnie Spitler (Nature Coast Chapter, 2023)
Jonnie Spitler
Al Squires (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Al Squires
Rebekah St John (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
Rebekah St John
Steve Dickman (Suncoast Chapter, 2022)
Service.  Many years as field trip coordinator, board member, champion for appropriate land management, and excellent field botanist
Steve Dickman
Tammie Lafferty (Tarflower Chapter, 2022)
Tammie Lafferty
Mable/Tina (Suncoast Chapter, 2022)
Service.  Many years as Suncoast Chapter Secretary, field trip coordinator, Lettuce Lake garden coordinator, Lettuce Lake native plant tour guide, and board member.
Anna Pepper (Tarflower Chapter, 2022)
Anna Pepper
Steve Woodmansee (Dade Chapter, 2022)
Service.  Served as FNPS President during a major period of organization restructuring.  Excellent field botanist.
Steve Woodmansee
Kristin Sloan Brown (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2021)
Stacy Klema (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2021)
Jan Mangos (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2021)
Kara Driscoll (Naples Chapter, 2021)
Kara Driscoll
Damon Moore (Serenoa Chapter, 2021)
Thomas Walczyk (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2021)
Jan Allyn (Pinellas Chapter, 2020)
Jan Allyn
Susan Angermeier (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2020)
Susan Angermeier
Marion Crim (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2020)
Marion Crim
Theresa Lutz (Heartland Chapter, 2020)
Theresa Lutz
Kathleen Poole (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2020)
Martha Steuart (Conradina Chapter, 2020)
Martha Steuart
Jackie Sward (Tarflower Chapter, 2020)
Neta Villalobos-Bell (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2020)
Education - for bringing new ideas for education, and implementing them
Neta Villalobos-Bell
John Bradford (Martin County Chapter, 2019)

Education.  For production of educational materials for the chapter.

Christine Brown (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2019)
Service.  Botanical, organizational, and technical services to the Cuplet Fern Chapter.
Jim Buckner (Marion Big Scrub Chapter, 2019)

Jim Buckner has been a member of FNPS since 1986.  He  worked diligently on the FNPS Conservation Committee, especially on the project to preserve and conserve the largest remaining population of Warea amplexifolia (clasping warea). 

Jim Buckner
Jane Higgins (Conradina Chapter, 2019)
Service.  Conradina is fortunate to have Jane as a member, Board member, tour facilitator, grant writer, and so much more.
Jane Higgins
George Rogers and John Bradford (Martin County Chapter, 2019)
Education.  For production of educational materials for the chapter.
Barbara Whittier (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2019)

Education.  She has educated about native plants both in her chapter and in her community.  She also supplies fupport for local nurseries.

Barbara McCormick (Citrus Chapter, 2018)

Awarded for her work in educational programming.

Loret Thatcher (Pine Lily Chapter, 2018)

Award for Service to the Society.

Sharon Dolan (Conradina Chapter, 2017)

Education and Outreach.  Sharon and her husband Brent are the owners of Maple Street Natives, the only native plant nursery in south Brevard County. As such, they have been promoting the use of native plants for more than a quarter of a century. Sharon has guided many members and other native plant enthusiasts in converting their lawns to native yards and helped them in their battles with HOAs. 

Marjorie Holt (Tarflower Chapter, 2017)

Marjorie Holt has been very active in growth management issues around Central Florida.  She has worked diligently to preserve our remaining natural lands from development, helped to conserve countless plant species and plant communities, and has helped organize numerous plant rescue and restoration projects.  In her “spare time” she has created a spectacular native landscape at her home, which is often featured on native garden tours.

Joel Jackson (Suncoast Chapter, 2016)

Service.  Joel Jackson is a founding member of the Suncoast Native Plant Society, and attended the very first meeting in 1980.  He also attended FNPS’s first conference, and served as Vice President of the Suncoast Chapter for two years.  

Joel Jackson
Joan Bausch (Cocoplum Chapter, 2015)

Service.  Joan  has not only been the backbone of the Cocoplum, Martin County Chapter of FNPS but she has also served almost continuously on the State Board since 2001/2002.  She has been chapter president and the writer of the Leaf Letter, our chapter’s printed news happenings.    Then she became our Chapter Conservation Chair.  She keeps us dutifully informed of all of the policy/legislation matters that have been arising unrelentingly.  

Joan Bausch
Marc and Terry Godts (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2015)

Public Service award for Marc and Terry Godts (Green Isle Gardens nursery) for their devotion to native plant conservation, land acquisition in Lake County, commitment to public education, and the ongoing donation of nursery space and their time to care for rescued plants until they can be reintroduced for restoration projects at protected sites.

Marc and Terry Godts
Eleanor Dietrich (Magnolia Chapter, 2014)

Given for Service including promotion of roadside wildflowers especially in the Florida panhandle, and providing community education and encouragement for the use of native plants in landscaping.

Eleanor Dietrich
Tom Heitzman (Serenova Chapter, 2014)

Given for service including serving and president of the Serenoa Chapter, promotion of the use of native plants in landscaping, and generously educating the publice.  He also runs a successful native plant nursery (Sweet Bay).

Tom Heitzman
AnnMarie Loveridge (Lakela's Mint Chapter, 2014)

Presented for service including lectures, nature walks through preserves & parks, garden tours & booths at many chapter and community events which  educate the public on the importance of using native plants in landscaping and on local environmental issues.

Laurie Sheldon (Ixia Chapter, 2014)

Award given for service including proofing for FNPS, service to the Ixia Chapter, and years of writing and promoting the FNPS blog, Facebook, and Twitter.

Laurie Sheldon
Troy Springer (Suncoast Chapter, 2014)

Given for Service including his leadership of the 2012 Society Conference in Plant City, service to the chapter including promoting and developing chapter's spring and fall plant sales, participation in chapter leadership including being chapter president (2011-2012), and tireless support of the use of natives in landscaping. 

Troy Springer
Linda Wilson (Manatee Chapter, 2014)

Awarded for service including chapter leadership (a past chapter treasurer and board member) and assisting with chapter outread programs.

Kristi Moyer (Palm Beach Chapter, 2013)

Awarded for Service and Education especially on the use of natives in everyday landscapes and for the development of native plant demonstration gardens.  She also educates through seminars and has practical knowledge about native plants in the landscape through her work as  facilities manager at Pine Jog Environmental Education Center. 

David Niemi (Palm Beach Chapter, 2013)

Awarded for his inspiration and leadership in the restoration of the Snook Islands Maritime Hardwood Hammock.

Ginnie Stibolt (Ixia Chapter, 2013)

Awarded for Service including major contribution to the development of the FNPS blog and Facebook sites and was a major editor of the FNPS website,especially the Native Plants for Your Area resource.  She is also a native plant author, gardener, and speaker.

Ginnie Stibolt
Danny Young (Pawpaw Chapter, 2013)

Awarded for for Service. His services include outreach projects for his chapter, participating on the FNPS land management review committee, and initiating the Pawpaw Chapter's Rugel's Roundup" in 2012.  He has supported several citizen science projects intended to increase awareness of rare plants.

Danny Young
Barbara Grigg (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2012)

Given for Education  and to her efforts in support of the restoration at Pear Park (a chapter project)

Amy Hines (Longleaf Pine Chapter, 2012)

For Service to the Society including being a founder of the Longleaf Pine and Solidago Chapters.

Paul and Winn Lowry (Conradina Chapter, 2012)

The award was given for service to their chapter.

Loran Anderson, PhD (Magnolia Chapter, 2011)
Education.  Dr. Anderson is regarded and thanked for educating our chapter members and his many university students.
Loran Anderson, PhD
Gwen Burzycki (Dade Chapter, 2011)
Nadine Foley (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2011)
Lavon Silvernell (Tarflower Chapter, 2011)
Kathy Burks (Magnolia Chapter, 2010)

Awarded for Service including scientific research on native plants and on invasive species coupled with strong support for conservation in Florida.

Kathy Burks
Trish Gramajo (2010)

Awarded for service including creation of the chapter's alternatives poster, support for native plant conservtion, and invasive species awareness.

Sonya Guidry (Pawpaw Chapter, 2010)

Awarded for service to her chapter including enthusiatic participation and leadership.

Sonya Guidry
Greg Jubinski (2010)

Awarded for Service, especially for his work in invasive species awarness.

Dan Miller (Magnolia Chapter, 2010)

Nominated for Service to his chapter, restoration of the native plant garden and MacClay Gardens State Park, and support for regional conservation

Bobbi Rogers (Mangrove Chapter, 2010)

Award for Service to her chapter.

Gayle Edwards (Coccoloba Chapter, 2009)

Awarded for Education and Outreach. For a decade, she indefatigably created research and demonstration landscapes for butterfly gardening at schools and parks throughout the region, educatee new residents about  pest plant species and native landscape alternatives, and recruited many new members to the FNPS. 

Gayle Edwards
Marc Godts (Tarflower Chapter, 2009)

Awarded for Service.  He has a lifelong history of educating his fellow members and the public about natives, developing new means of propagating natives, and providing natives through his family nursery.

Marc Godts
George Kish, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2009)

Service.  He has been an active member of his chapter and has been its President and Newletter editor.  He has written many native plant profiles, and has become one of Florida's best known experts on phenology and the potential effects of climatic change on phenology of Florida natives.

George Kish, PhD
Chris Trost (Coccoloba Chapter, 2009)

Awarded for Administration and Service to her chapter.  . 

Chris Trost
Ron Plakke, PhD (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2008)

Service.  Awarded for his vision, leadership and guidance in the restoration of approximately 50 acres of land in Lake County’s PEAR Park into scrub habitat. 

Cynthia Plockelman (Palm Beach Chapter, 2008)

Awarded for her service to her chapter including donations of native plants.  She was Policy Committee Chair for FNPS for many years, and continuously advocated for smart management of Florida's natural resources.

Erick Smith (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 2008)

Awarded for service to his chapter including acting as its chapter representative, being a field trip leader, educating the public on the importance of native area conservation, educating on  native tree biology, planting and landscape care. 

Carmel VanHoek (Suncoast Chapter, 2008)

Awarded for Service, especially for sharing her plant identification skills and her contributions to the plant lists of public parks and other public lands.

Carmel VanHoek
Peggy Gretchen (Nature Coast Chapter, 2007)
Charles Holmes (2007)
Charles Holmes, (Coccoloba Chapter, 2007)
Martha Stuart (Conradina Chapter, 2007)
Martha Stuart
JoAnne Trebatoski (Coccoloba Chapter, 2007)
Service.  For organizing and leading the earliest known foreign trips for FNPS members.
Teddy Bierly (Citrus Chapter, 2006)


Karen Frahley (Serenoa Chapter, 2006)

Education.  Karen became known for her nature tours at the Manatee County Duette Preserve.  She also owns a native nursery.

Karen Frahley
Denny Girard (Mangrove Chapter, 2006)

Service.  In addition to being on the FNPS board on behalf of his chapter, he was also a a poet.

Denny Girard
Al Squires (Mangrove Chapter, 2006)

Service.  Al has represent his chapter on the FNPS Board of Directors for many years.  At the time of his entry, he serves on the Council of Chapters.

Al Squires
Cynthia (Sid) Taylor (Hernando Chapter, 2006)

Education.  For her contributions to FNPS.  She spent many hours researching the history of long leaf pine in Florida and shared that knowledge with FNPS members.  She also led field trips, and in her job, contributed to the management of the Citrus Tract of the Withlacoochee State Forest.

Gil Nelson, PhD (Magnolia Chapter, 2005)
Gil Nelson, PhD
Paul Schmalzer, PhD (Sea Rocket Chapter, 2005)


Paul Schmalzer, PhD
Karina Veaudry (Tarflower Chapter, 2005)


Karina Veaudry
Ray Miller (2004)


Jerry Shrewsbury (2004)


Kathy Boon and Hester Wagner (2003)


Nancy Coile (Magnolia Chapter, 2003)

Nancy Coile, PhD -- Technical

Roger Hammer, PhD (Dade Chapter, 2003)


Richard Moyroud (Dade Chapter, 2003)

 Service.  For his work as the FNPS representative on the FDACS Endangered Plant Advisory Council.

Hester Wagner (2003)
Jody Bonet (Lakela's Mint Chapter, 2002)


Debbie Butts (Suncoast Chapter, 2002)

Service.  FNPS secretary for many years.  Active in her chapter and has been on the chapter board.  

Cammie Donaldson (Conradina Chapter, 2002)

Service.  Years of effort above and beyond expectations.

Bruce Hanson, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2002)

Given for Education.  Tireless service to the Florida botanical community through his work on the Florida Plant Atlas website and the USF Herbarium

Chuck McCartney (Broward Chapter Chapter, 2002)


Chuck McCartney
Shirley Petty (Hernando Chapter, 2002)


Sally Black (Palm Beach Chapter, 2001)

Service, for her long-term service to the environment and environmental community of S. FL

Jean Daubenmire (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2001)

Science.  For her work as a botanist, for her research contributions in the area of natural plant communities of FL.

Craig Huegel, PhD (Pinessas Chapter, 2001)

 Education, for his many contributions over the years, including authoring two popular FNPS books that teach and promote the native plant - animal connection.

Craig Huegel, PhD
Joe Durando (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 2000)


Patty Phares (Dade Chapter Chapter, 2000)


Walter Kingsley Taylor, PhD (Tarflower Chapter, 2000)

Education, Tarflower Chapter

Walter Kingsley Taylor, PhD
Claudia Larsen, PhD (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 1999)

Service.   A founding member of the Paynes Prairie Chapter formed in 1986, and has served in leading role ever since.  She organizes plant rescues, has helped FDOT create a reasonable policy for native wildflowers on roadsides, and has worked with others to create native plant demonstration sites.

Claudia Larsen, PhD
Eric S. Menges, PhD (South Ridge Chapter, 1999)

Science.  A research scientist in the area of plant ecology & conservation at Archibold Biological Station. He has established long-term studies on most of the Lake Wales Ridge endemic plants and regularly reports his findings in peer-reviewed journals.

Eric S. Menges, PhD
Ken Langeland (1998)

Technical, Manual on invasive alien pest plants.

Betty Wargo (Suncoast Chapter, 1998)

Awarded for many years of service as a photographer and educator.  She was also a very strong supporter of FNPS and often used her buying power at FNPS conference auctions to ensure that items would sell strongly and bring in substantial funds to support FNPS project.

Betty Wargo
Steve Bass (1997)

For outstanding work as an environmental educator

Ann Williams (Dade Chapter, 1997)

Technical, For her plant recovery efforts in the Keys

Eliane Norman, PhD (1996)
Technical.  Retired Stetson University professor. For her work on native plants (notably the rare pawpaw) and native plant communities.
Barbara Waddell (1996)
For her Brazilian pepper control efforts & producing a color brochure about the control of Brazilian pepper
Dan Ward, PhD (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 1996)

Education.  Professor of botany at UF,  for his work on the book 'Big Trees of Florida'

Dan Austin, PhD (Palm Beach Chapter, 1995)

Service.  For his work on the Exotic Plant Pest Council

Dan Austin, PhD
Chuck Salter (1995)
For his work on native plant propagation and promotion of natives
Roy Woodbury (1995)

For his plant survey of DuPuis Reserve

Ken Alvarez (1993)
Awareded for Service arising from his role as environmental specialist supervisor with FDEP, for encouraging prescribed burns in FL parks, for authoring a native tree numbering system, for starting native nurseries in state parks & his land acquisition efforts
Dan Austin, PhD (Palm Beach Chapter, 1993)

Science/education. Professor of botany at FAU, for two decades as an effective educator, and his service on the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC), the&>Society for Economic Botany, and as a writer, particularly of his guides& to coastal dune plants and parks and for his work with FLEPPC

Dan Austin, PhD
Sydney Bacchus (1992)
Technical, for her work with wetland mitigation and sharing her knowledge with readers of The Palmetto
Dick Deuerling (Tarflower Chapter, 1992)
Service, for his service to FNPS beyond the scope of his own chapter, sharing his knowledge of edible wild foods with chapters throughout the state, with Scouts, and in each issue of The Palmetto.
Dick Deuerling
Nancy Bissett (Heartland Chapter, 1991)
Nancy Bissett
Craig Huegel, PhD (Pinellas Chapter, 1991)
Craig Huegel, PhD
Ted Center (1990)
Technical, Work on the biological control of pest plants, especially spearheading the Melaleuca Biological Control Project
Rosa Durando (1990)
Service, The environmental watchdog on the Treasure Coast, attending governmental meetings and speaking out for conservation
John Beriault (1989)
Technical, Wrote Planning & Planting a Native Plant Yard 
Don Gann (Dade Chapter, 1989)
Service.   Many years of service to FNPS & in the promotion of native plants
Don Gann
Joyce Gann (Dade Chapter, 1989)
Service.   Many years of service to FNPS & in the promotion of native plants.
Joyce Gann
Elizabeth Smith (1989)
Technical, Artwork for Planning & Planting a Native Plant Yard
Steve Christman (1988)
Technical, Research on the scrub plants of the Lake Wales Ridge.
Margaret Hames (Brevard Chapter, 1988)
Service, Many activities promoting FNPS and native plants: slide shows and lectures; plant inventories for Brevard County, developers, and homeowners; analysis of ecosystems and laying out of a nature trail for Brevard County park; and native plant rescue operations.
Peggy Lantz (Tarflower Chapter, 1988)

Publications Committee Head, Editor of The Palmetto

David Hall, PhD (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 1987)

Service.   Developed a native plant slide show

Bill Hammond (Coccoloba Chapter, 1987)
Bill Hammond -- Published a school campus improvement guide for Lee County
Bill Hammond
Georgia Tasker (Dade Chapter, 1986)

Georgia Tasker -- "...has written many articles about native plants in the Miami Herald, many of which were published by FNPS as Wild Things as well as authored the only book published by FNPS."

David Wilson (Charlotte County Chapter, 1986)

David Wilson -- "organized a new chapter (Charlotte Harbor), and has been an excellent speaker at various conferences throughout Florida on the virtues of native plants."

Silver Palmetto Awards

Cali Adams (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Bonnie Basham (Sarracenia Chapter, 2023)
Bonnie Basham
MAC Camacho-Viera (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
Stephanie Dunn (Broward Chapter, 2023)
Jennifer Hopton-Villalobos (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Jackie Rolly (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
Jackie Rolly
Chelsea LeNoble, PhD (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2023)
Athena Phillips (Citrus Chapter, 2023)
Ann Redmond (Magnolia Chapter, 2023)
Neta Villalobos-Bell (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2023)
Neta Villalobos-Bell
Valeria Yon (Tarflower Chapter, 2023)
John Benton (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2022)
FNPS Board member.  Led a major restructuring of the FNPS bylaws.
Michelle Birnbaum (Nature Coast Chapter, 2022)
Pete Dunkelberg (Tarflower Chapter, 2022)
Janet Grabowski (Hernando Chapter, 2022)
Awarded for her leadership in her chapter (Hernando) and for contribution to the regional plant educational materials. (photo provided by the chapter)
Janet Grabowski
Nicole Mattheus (Nature Coast Chapter, 2022)
Jenny Welch (Sparkleberry Chapter, 2022)
Rebecca Wellborn (Nature Coast Chapter, 2022)
Patricia Burgos (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2021)
Patricia Burgos
Chris Calder (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2021)
Chris Calder
Susan Carr, PhD (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 2021)
Susan Carr, PhD
Jim Erwin (Tarflower Chapter, 2021)
Andee Naccarato (Naples Chapter, 2021)
Andee Naccarato
Melanie Simon (Passionflower Chapter, 2021)
Melanie Simon
Deborah Curry (Marion Big Scrub Chapter, 2020)
Gail Fishman (Magnolia Chapter, 2020)
Gail Fishman
Grace Howell (Paynes Prairie Chapter, 2020)
Land Management Partners
Grace Howell
Wendy Poag (Lake Beautyberry Chapter, 2020)
Wendy Poag
Gail Taylor (Citrus Chapter, 2020)
Gail Taylor
Karina Veaudry (Pine Lily Chapter, 2020)
Karina Veaudry
Mark Kateli (Cuplet Fern Chapter, 2019)
Mark Kateli
Patty Phares (Dade Chapter, 2019)
Helen Roth (Magnolia Chapter, 2019)
Helen Roth
Winnie Said (Palm Beach Chapter, 2019)
Carol Sullivan (Sparkleberry Chapter, 2019)
Richard Brownscombe (Broward County Chapter, 2018)

Awarded for his years of service to FNPS from his local chapter to the Council of Chapters and the Board of Directors.

Ina Crawford (Sweetbay Chapter, 2018)

Awarded for her years of service on the FNPS Board of Directors.

Gene Kelly (Hernando Chapter, 2018)

Awarded for his years of service to the Society, the Policy Committee, and the Board of Directors.

Gene Kelly
Paul Schmalzer, PhD (Sea Rocket Chapter, 2018)

Awarded for his years of service to the Society, his chapter, the Science Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors.

Paul Schmalzer, PhD
Anne Cox, PhD (Cocoplum Chapter, 2017)

Awarded for her service as Past President.

Anne Cox, PhD
Lassie Lee (Ixia Chapter, 2017)

Awarded for her service as Vice President for Administration.

Marlene Rodak (Coccoloba Chapter, 2017)

Awarded for her work as the Conference Committee Chair.

Marlene Rodak
Juliet Rynear (Heartland Chapter, 2017)

Awarded for her work as the Conservation Committee Chair.

Juliet Rynear
Devon Higginbotham (Suncoast Chapter, 2016)

Awarded for her dedication and work as the V.P. of Finance.

Marlene Rodak (Coccoloba Chapter, 2016)

Marlene was given this award in acknowledgment of her extremely hard work in leading two consecutive conference teams to success.

Marlene Rodak
Marjorie Shropshire (Cocoplum Chapter, 2016)

Awarded for her dedication to excellence in producing the Palmetto and many other artistic works for FNPS.

Marjorie Shropshire
Ginny Stibolt (Ixia Chapter, 2016)

Awarded for her dedication to FNPS.

Ginny Stibolt
Kim Zarillo (Conradina Chapter, 2016)

Awarded for her service as Treasurer and for her assistance with the annual conference.  Awarded by President Anne Cox.

Kim Zarillo
Karina Veaudry (Tarflower Chapter, 2015)

Karina was given the award for her guidance and support for our president, Anne Cox, and for her multiple years of service to FNPS as chair of the FNPS Landscape Committee.

Karina Veaudry
David Feagles (Serenoa Chapter, 2013)
David Feagles
Robin Caple (Marion Big Scrub Chapter, 2009)

Awarded for her role as a founder of the Marion County (noe Big Scrub) Chaper and coordination with the FNPS Board.

Shirley Denton, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2009)

Awarded for her work in Society leadership, her support of ongoing growth in her roll as Society Past President, creating an on-line membership renewal system and donation system, forwarding website development, and otherwise contributing to FNPS leadership.

Shirley Denton, PhD
Mary and Ron Echols (Naples Chapter, 2009)
This award was given to two individuals who have worked together as a team.... Mary and Ron Echols - Mary and Ron Echols have served the Naples chapter in many leadership capacities including both serving as President of the chapter at different times. Ron is currently the Chapter Representative on the Board of Directors. Mary attends meetings as well and their wise input is an asset to the Board. Their consistent and thoughtful leadership has benefited the Naples chapter as well as the Board of Directors and has guided growth, good decisions and exemplary education and outreach projects. Mary and Ron are preserve stewards at an area preservation site and nature center and continuously spend time educating the general public about the importance of conservation, facts about native plants and native plant communities, and inspiring many in the Naples area.
Mary and Ron Echols
Paul Schmalzer, PhD (Sea Rocket Chapter, 2009)
Paul Schmalzer's dedication to the Science Advisory Committee and the role of Sea Rocket Chapter Representative on the Board of Directors. Has rarely missed an Executive Committee meeting or a Board of Directors meeting since his tenure. He has streamlined the conference research sessions, expanded the base of science committee contacts within the state and university systems and has contributed insightful comments and recommendations to the Society on a regular basis. Paul professionalism and scientific background have elevated our Society to new levels.
Paul Schmalzer, PhD
Cindy Liberton (Hernando Chapter, 2008)

Awarded for her service as Communications Chair. She has brought vision for how internal and external communications can work effectively within this society.

Cindy Liberton
Robert Egolf (Serenoa Chapter, 2008)
Bob Egolf is a past president of FNPS, a member of the Serenoa Chapter Board of Directors, and a member of the FNPS Board of Directors. He has recently taken on the long-unfilled post of Publications Chair for FNPS. Bob has a long history of service to FNPS. He initiated our "formal" entry into advocacy with the hiring of our first legislative liason. He has tirelessly taken on tasks that are important but not highly visible, such as heading the last two nominating committees and leading the committee responsible for bringing our by laws up to date. He was a strong advisor and moral support for the next president and has always been reliable and supportive for the entire FNPS Executive Committee.
Robert Egolf
Kim Zarillo (Conradina Chapter, 2008)
Kim Zarillo is a past president of FNPS and past president of her chapter (Conradina). She is also a past conference chair. This year she served on the FNPS Board of Directors as co-chair of the Policy Committee. She acted as a menor for the committee and assisted in creating operational guidance for when FNPS should be an advocate for an issue, when to pass the issue to a local chapter, and when not to step into the issue. She has been low key, but highly effective.
Kim Zarillo
Paul Rebmann (Pawpaw Chapter, 2007)
Awarded for many services to FNPS at the society and chapter level including ongoing service as Webmaster
Paul Rebmann
Paul Rebmann (Pawpaw Chapter, 2007)

Service.  Webmaster

Paul Rebmann
Mike Kenton (Serenoa Chapter, 2006)
Don Spence, PhD (Pawpaw Chapter, 2006)

For his work on the Landscape Committee

Sue Thompson (Eugenia Chapter, 2006)

For her work as Treasurer of FNPS

Anne Cox, PhD (Conradina Chapter, 2005)

Awarded for her tireless efforts Land Management Partners Committee Chair.  She invented this highly successful FNPS program.

Anne Cox, PhD
Shirley Denton, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2005)

Science Chair, WebMaster.  At this time of this award, she had moved the Society forward to have a database driven website on the commercial web servier.  

Shirley Denton, PhD
Bob Egolf (Serenoa Chapter, 2004)

Given for being an effective Vice President of Administration and mentor to the President.

Bob Egolf
Matt King (Palm Beach Chapter, 2004)

Landscape Awards Chair

Cindy Liberton (Hernando Chapter, 2004)

Awarded for her contributions as Communications Chair.

Cindy Liberton
Shirley Denton, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2003)

Science Chair and Web Master.  At the time of this award, she had reorganized the FNPS website so that it was driven by a menu, with every page available from that menu (prior to that time, there was no clear navigation structure).  She also made sure that the website was always current and removed the need to pay for basic webmaster services.

Shirley Denton, PhD
JoAnne Trebatoski (Coccoloba Chapter, 2003)

Service.  For acting as Conference Chair, fundraising for the Society, and membership chair.

Richard Wunderlin, PhD (Suncoast Chapter, 2001)

For his tireless efforts on behalf of the FNPS Endowment Fund research awards and FNPS publications.

Richard Wunderlin, PhD
Gil Nelson, PhD (Magnolia Chapter Chapter, 2000)


Gil Nelson, PhD
Kim Zarillo (Conradina Chapter, 1999)
Vice President of Finance, worked tirelessly as Conference Co-Chair, has been the FNPS representative of the Brevard County Comprehensive Plan wetland lawsuit since its inception 3 years ago & her work on the 1999 budget was invaluable
Kim Zarillo
Leah Wilcox (1997)

For efforts as 1996 Conference Chair

Candace Weller (Pinellas Chapter, 1996)

For her work as treasurer

Peggy Lantz (Tarflower Chapter, 1995)
For her nearly 15 years of service as editor of The Palmetto and FNPS's other publications
Peggy Lantz
Paul Davis (1993)
Paul Davis -- For his leadership in managing the society's financial affairs, and for his efforts in revising the FNPS Bylaws and in clarifying the FNPS/chapter tax concerns
Janice Broda (1992)
For her personal support to the president (Debbie Butts) when her house burned down, and fulfilling her responsibilities as secretary despite medical problems (surgery on her elbow).
Carol Lotspeich (Tarflower Chapter, 1991)


Blaine Williams (1990)
Treasurer, For his services as treasurer his efforts toward improving the financial management of the society
Don Lantz (Tarflower Chapter, 1989)
Membership Committee Chair, For assistance to the president as membership manager and chairman of the membership committee.
Don Lantz
Joe Cascio (1987)
Joe Cascio designed the landscape award program and developed a policy for transplanting from the wild.
Ralph Ranney (1987)

Unofficial legal council.

Terry Mock (1986)

Chapter Green Palmetto Awards

Sarracenia Chapter (2023)
Sarracenia Chapter
Hernando Chapter (2022)
Hernando Chapter
Pinellas Chapter (2022)
Pinellas Chapter members worked with the City of Dunedin and Audubon to raise $4.5 million in public funds toward the purchase of tha 44-acre property of sandhill, scrub, wetlands and the last remaining rosemary bald in the County. State Listed threatened species include: Garberia heterophylla; Nodding Pinweed (Lechea cernua) and Spreading pinweed. Threatened gopher tortoises also reside in the scrub.
Pinellas Chapter
Dade Chapter (2021)
Dade Chapter
Lake Beautyberry Chapter (2021)
Lake Beautyberry Chapter
Mangrove Chapter (2021)
Mangrove Chapter
Conradina Chapter (2019)
For their landscape tours, landscape certification, grant programs, and service to their members and community.
Conradina Chapter
Pawpaw Chapter (2017)
Pawpaw Chapter
Palm Beach County Chapter (2016)

In recognition of all the effort that went in to making 2015 a banner year in terms of fulfilling our mission and generating momentum that will continue to support chapter growth.

Palm Beach County Chapter
Suncoast Chapter (2013)

In recognition of its hosting of the very successful and financially profitable 2012 conference.

Suncoast Chapter
Naples Chapter (2012)

Given to the chapter for outstanding growth in membership, improvements to chapter infrastructure including adding a website for the chapter, improved programs, and lots of enthusiasm.

Naples Chapter
Paynes Prairie Chapter (2011)
Paynes Prairie Chapter
Pinellas Chapter (2009)

For service to their community including native plant outreach, participation on a governmental advisory board, participation in "alliance for a Livable Pinellas", and production of educational materials for public education.

Pinellas Chapter
Tarflower Chapter (2008)

Given for its extensive agenda of field trips, educational programs, plant rescues, home garden tour, and education and outreach.

Tarflower Chapter
Dade Chapter (2007)
Dade Chapter
Hernando Chapter (Hernando Chapter, 2007)
Hernando Chapter members succeeded in convincing a key legislator, from their county, to allow an extension of the sale of specialty license plates, like the FNPS Florida Native plate to be sold until 2024. Without their intervention, FNPS could possibly have lost an opportunity to have a plate and the income derived from it to do outreach, habitat restoration, conservation, and preservation.
Hernando Chapter
Coccoloba Chapter (1999)
Chapter Achievement. Native habitat project at Lee County's Manatee Park & allocated most of the three years of fundraising to creating and restoring the park's native plant communities.
Coccoloba Chapter
Pinellas Chapter (1998)

For its work with teachers and the community.

Pinellas Chapter
Dade Chapter (1997)
Dade  Chapter
Suncoast Chapter (1997)

Achievement.  For the "Right Plants for Dry Places" book.

Suncoast Chapter
Magnolia Chapter (Magnolia Chapter Chapter, 1996)

Chapter Achievement. For their work in hosting the 1995 conference and installation of a native plant area at MacClay Gardens in Tallahassee.

Magnolia Chapter
Naples Chapter (Naples Chapter Chapter, 1994)

Chapter Achievement.

Naples Chapter
Pinellas Chapter (1993)

Chapter Achievement. For superior chapter development, for their education activities, and for their chapter project of landscaping the bank property and for their conference efforts.

Pinellas Chapter
Palm Beach Chapter (1992)

Chapter Achievement. For their efforts on behalf of Preservation 2000.

Palm Beach Chapter
Suncoast Chapter (1991)

Chaper Achievement.  For work with FDOT on a median planting (There is a question as to whether this was awarded in 1990 or 1991).

Suncoast Chapter

Emerging Leaders Recognition

Other Awards

Jake Stowers (Pinellas Chapter, 2004)

Jake Stowers was given special recognition for Public Service. Over many years, as the Pinellas County Administrator, he was a staunch supporter of good public policy that recognized and supported conservation.
